Tyler Sarry Nude, You Know You Need It!

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If the sight of Tyler Sarry nude doesn't make your day special then there's something wrong with you.

We saw him just once before, back in January 2023. It was a great collection of pics, with several revealing quite a lot about him.

I'm not sure if he's still modeling. You'd think there would be masses of photos of this gorgeous man out there if he was. I did a little digging and there doesn't seem to be much that's new.

But, we know a lot of men move on from the business for different reasons. A lot of the time a guy gets into it in college, just to pay their way, but then they get into their 30s and they want to chase the dreams they had before.

I get it. Why wouldn't you model and make that money part-time while studying to do what you really want to do?

Of course, some guys just want to move on because they get bored of it.

I know this handsome hunk did have a significant online presence back when we first saw him, but his Instagram is gone. There is a Twitter account but I don't use that platform anymore so I don't know if he's still active there. He's not on Bluesky.

Has he just moved on to a more mainstream career?

That would be a shame, but at least we got some pics of Tyler Sarry nude before he did.

Enjoy him. Leave a comment if you know anything about him. Have a fantastic Thursday!

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J.A. Fludd
J.A. Fludd
1 day ago

No fair, showing the goods but hiding his face. Unsatisfying.

Jeffrey McEldowney
Jeffrey McEldowney
1 day ago

Tyler was arrested in Toronto last year on multiple counts of voyeurism; he was following women on stairs and escalators and taking pictures up their dresses with his phone. Not the guy he used to be.

1 day ago

Been waiting to see all of him for a while. It was worth the wait

1 day ago

Oh my GOD!!! Wow!!! I literally can’t stop drooling

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