Ty Santana Is The Bareback Bottom Enjoying The Raw Cock Of Justin Matthews In A New Hardcore Video

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While there's a lot of stuff to say about the sight of bareback bottom Ty Santana enjoying the raw dick of Justin Matthews, I need to be a little bit arty for just a moment.

Please indulge me :)

I know you're here reading this because of the action these two share, but can we just spend a moment talking about the photography?

I love the color saturation and contrast of these pics. They really make this shoot different to the norm we expect from Next Door Studios.

There's a real close-up and intimate feel to the photos, too. The close cropping makes you feel more like you're there with them.

It's definitely a little more creative than usual and I'm guessing that's deliberate.

Okay, now that my arty side has been satisfied, let's talk about the sex!

Jock top Justin is the perfect guy for an ebony bareback bottom like Ty.

The chemistry these to have is excellent.

They spend a good amount of time sucking dick and rimming ass before Ty gives up his raw butt for that rigid pink shaft to slide in.

Once he does his friend is really delivering a good topping.

It results in a great fuck for this bareback bottom. We're all splashing out a good load with them by the time Justin is done.

Click here for the full video, and let me know in the comments what you think about the style of shoot.

Don't forget, you get access to more than 3,600 hardcore scenes there, from 25+ different channels.

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2 years ago

je regrette un peu qu’il exagère l’expression de son visage , Santana

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