Totally Hot Amateur Cock!

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So, I knew it was time to share some cock on the blog, with a nude post. After looking around out there today and seeing some totally amazing amateur men showing off their junk I decided that plenty of them were worthy of sharing on the Gay Body Blog with all you eager guys.

I'm starting this off with one photo that should have plenty of you hard and wanting more. I know a lot of you guys get off on the whole wrestling thing, and I can just imagine what it would be like to grapple with this first hot hunk on the mat. Can you picture what he must look like all packed away in that singlet? His bulge must be impressive without having to haul out his immense cock for a selfie.

I know it's a set, and I know he's a porn star, but that doesn't change the fact that I can't stop thinking about what his imaginary college wrestler buddies would think of sharing a mat with this hung young man ;)

There's more than just his gorgeous dick to admire though, so scroll through them all and let me know which of these guys is your fave. I can't pick just one, they all look totally tasty!

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10 years ago


Andy Panda
Andy Panda
10 years ago

Great post!! Especially LOVE the last hunk with his sexy beard!!! Any chance you have the source of this pic or the Hunk’s name? Thanks!!!

Andy Panda
Andy Panda
10 years ago

Great post!! Especially LOVE the last hunk with his sexy beard!!! Any chance you have the source of this pic or the Hunk’s name? Thanks!!!

2 years ago

The fifth photo, thick drooping cock, prominent vein, resting against beautiful thigh. I’m very aroused just dreaming of tongue bathing this whole area.

1 year ago

Pound my tight little ass–forever

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