Topher DiMaggio Solo

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So, here we are again at the end of another week of horny posts with some hot guys. I knew it was time to share a hardcore post with you guys, and after seeing this video on the Extra Big Dicks site with Topher DiMaggio stroking his hard cock for the guys I decided that this was the one to share with you all.

I know there's likely to be a whole debate about what a big dick really is, and that his cock is not that big compared to some other gay porn stars out there, but to be honest I don't care! He's a hot guy, with a great body and a great cock too, so why not share him even if the title of the site showing him isn't actually sticking to form? lol

I've seen this hunk in a lot of videos over the last few years and he is definitely one of the sexiest gay porn stars out there in the business right now. As a fan of defined muscled guys with that horny jock look about them he really suits the kind of action I enjoy.

Check out some of the pics and see the trailer at the bottom too.

Topher DiMaggio Solo (1) Topher DiMaggio Solo (2) Topher DiMaggio Solo (3) Topher DiMaggio Solo (4) Topher DiMaggio Solo (5) Topher DiMaggio Solo (6) Topher DiMaggio Solo (7)

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