Too Late For Another Calendar? Men In The Alps 2012!

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I'm distracted so easily! Not too long ago I was talking about buying a new hunk calendar for my office wall, and I was looking at the Rugby player calendars for the new year. I even ordered one, but then got a message telling me it was sold out and I'd been refunded. So what did I do? I completely forgot all about it lol

Well, my interest has now been reignited now I've seen this great edition from a group of guys in the Alps!

I know, you might think it's just a great holiday destination for some skiing. But from what I can gather, there's a group of really hot men who gather there regularly for an annual trip. I SO want to be in on that one!

Every year since 2006 is seems they've been creating their own special calendars too, for some charities close to their hearts. And every year it seems they sell out. So after checking out the Men In The Alps site, I thought I'd share some of the pics from the site with you guys and maybe encourage you to go and check it out.

We might be almost in the middle of February, but with gorgeous men like these I think it's excusable to buy one a little late, or buy another! lol

Too Late For Another Calendar? Men In The Alps 2012! (1) Too Late For Another Calendar? Men In The Alps 2012! (2) Too Late For Another Calendar? Men In The Alps 2012! (3) Too Late For Another Calendar? Men In The Alps 2012! (4) Too Late For Another Calendar? Men In The Alps 2012! (5) Too Late For Another Calendar? Men In The Alps 2012! (6) Too Late For Another Calendar? Men In The Alps 2012! (7) Too Late For Another Calendar? Men In The Alps 2012! (8) Too Late For Another Calendar? Men In The Alps 2012! (9) Too Late For Another Calendar? Men In The Alps 2012! (10) Too Late For Another Calendar? Men In The Alps 2012! (11) Too Late For Another Calendar? Men In The Alps 2012! (12) Too Late For Another Calendar? Men In The Alps 2012! (13) Too Late For Another Calendar? Men In The Alps 2012! (14)

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13 years ago

I need a calendar – may have to order one!!

13 years ago

Where’s the REST???

13 years ago

Calendar, where? I see very hot handsome guys, thanks!

12 years ago

i love you guys

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