Toni Berenger – Words Fail Me

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You'll have to excuse me if I start to make absolutely no sense during the writing of this post, because I am so utterly distracted by the gorgeousness that is Toni Berenger I feel my brain is not functioning on all cylinders.

I hope I'm not the only one here who thinks this guy is the bees bollocks, or the dogs knees, or whatever the saying is (I realize that some might not understand that, it's a British thing lol)

The stupidly handsome hunk has recently appeared on the cover of Men’s Health Spain, and he's a very welcome addition I have to say. I'm not one to buy those kinds of magazines, but I think I might have to start making a habit of it if this is the kind of totty gracing their pages.

This kind of supports my previous ramblings about Spanish men being absolutely drop dead gorgeous, right? I mean, I know not all of them are, but they seem to have so many fine men over there.

I will be looking for more of this stunning man, you can bet on that. Enjoy these photos by Adolfo López, just be careful about drooling all over your keyboard in the process - or doing anything else that might cause some kind of "liquid damage" lol

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11 years ago

The scruffy face does nothing for me. If he were clean-shaven, I’d find him a lot more attractive.

11 years ago

Conran, I agree that Euro Latins are incredible. Witness the beauties of Brazil. Many Spanish conquerors settled in that region of South America — as opposed to the native Indian populations of the region — and their tan, well-muscled, smooth offspring just send me.

I prefer no beard as well, Dr. Randy, but it gives us something to discuss during pillow talk (“Do you want to know what would make our “time together” just perfect?”).


P.S. I’ve heard Brits in the U.S. use the term “Bees Knees” … guess it means they like whatever their discussing.

Reply to  curious_sixty_two
11 years ago

Oops, I meant to say “Portuguese” conquerors. Got sidetracked staring at Mr. Berenger. See, Conran? It’s contagious.

11 years ago

He looks like how I wish David Beckham looked, no tattoos!

curious sixty two
curious sixty two
Reply to  tgf
11 years ago

And, Adam Levine, and Chris Evans, and, fill in the blank — hotties who are so not because ….

11 years ago

This uber-sexy man needs to lose the shorts…oooh yeah!

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