Today I’m In Love With – James Guardino

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My days are so hard. I spend a little time on the Internet, then go to the gym, ogle all the hot guys and maybe see a little hotness in the showers, come home and get back on the Internet, then write a little about the hot guys I've  found. It's a really hard life huh? lol

Anyway, it's so easy to become a little infatuated with some of the guys out there, and this dude really caught my attention today. Of course, I exaggerate in the title, I'm not in love with the guy because I don't know anything about him, but physical attraction is the basis for anything isn't it? And he is super hot!

James Guardino is a supermodel, no doubt about it. I don't know f there's a process of application to become one, or whether it happens by default once you've been booked by some major names, but however it happens he is officially there. And from these pics below we can certainly see why that would be the case.

He has an amazingly lean and muscled body, and a perfectly handsome face. He's appeared on several covers, and on the walks of Paris, London, New York and Milan. He is possibly most known for his underwear modeling, in which he carefully and cautiously manages to titillate and be so suggestive. I know I've asked it before, but is there a criteria for choosing an underwear model by bulge size?

And, I don't recall shots showing corona ridge ever getting into print when I was stroking off to the underwear pages in catalogs as a teen! When did that start? lol

James Guardino - Gorgeously Handsome James Guardino - Hot Young Hunk James Guardino - Toned and Bulging James Guardino - Very Revealing James Guardino - Sexy Butt James Guardino - Showing Rim James Guardino - Tight James Guardino - Arty Bulge James Guardino - Relax James Guardino - I want to see him naked so bad

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13 years ago

I think that I am in love with him too!

13 years ago

Gorgeous. I like that he is a tad heavier than the averagae commercial model.

I find men more masculine and much sexier when they have a little more weight on their frames. It adds some maturity and that can be sexy all on it’s own.

Jose Foureaux
Jose Foureaux
13 years ago

This guy seem to be someone to be in love for ever!

13 years ago

James Guardino es nu hombre verdaderamente hermoso con un cuerpo de dios griego que cualquiera desearia tenerlo en su cama, es espectacular y lo amo, bye.

13 years ago

Imagine opening your eyes in the morning and pic 1 is staring at you! Wow what a dream come true!

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