Today I’ll Be Mostly Lusting After Piotr Kopertowski

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One of my friends sent me some sexy photos of handsome and fit Piotr Kopertowski this morning and so of course I had to get out there and find more of him to share here. This is one of those times where I can't imagine there would be anyone here looking through the posts who wouldn't lust after this guy. He's so handsome, and in an accessible way. He's just a really good-looking guy who you could totally imagine meeting at a bar and having a great time with. He's got the body for it too, fit and athletic, a little fur occasionally. He's actually not a full-time male model, even though he probably could be if he wanted to. He's a creative guy working in design and started the MAYL Wear brand based out of Hong Kong. Obviously there's a lot we love about him, but I can't just gloss over the fact that he also has a great cock. I wish there was more of him out there showing everything off, but this post of the guy naked and looking totally gorgeous is enough for me, at least for the time being! Let me know what you guys think in the comments and hit that thumbs-up button! Have a great Saturday.

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7 years ago

I like this guy !

7 years ago

so toned

6 years ago

God damn!
What a hot boy!

Piotr’s cock and sack are just BEAUTIFUL!!!
Post more and more and more of him…PLEASE!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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