Today I’ll Be Mostly Drooling Over Alex Crockford

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A lot of you guys have seen Alex Crockford before, and some of you might not even know it. He's a British hunk who's appeared in so many magazines and ads, you might have walked past a poster on the subway showing off his abs and advertising a local gym and you had no idea who the guy was.

He's pretty famous these days, one of those guys who just pops up in random places. I think he might have a YouTube channel, and I know there was a slightly viral video of him in his underwear in the street offering people hugs.

Would you say no to hugging this handsome hunk of deliciousness?

He's not just an awesome body, of course. He's also damn good looking, the kind of face that could turn every head when he walks into a bar. He also happens to be a really nice guy too, from what I've read about him.

I think this photo shoot by Nicholas Andrews is quite new, I think I would have seen it before it weren't. It's a good one, plenty of the handsome hunk in his underwear, although we would all love to see him totally naked!

I don't think he's ever done any properly nude shoots, but I think today might be another day when I go and check again, just to make sure I haven't missed anything :)

Enjoy him, think about him being your personal trainer, imaging meeting him in the showers at the gym, spend some time thinking about him a little and entertain yourselves with that thought.

Have a great Monday!

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6 years ago

on peut rêver que quelqu’un le surprenne et dise “Haut les mains ! “

6 years ago

What a stunning example of masculine beauty. These are the best images you’ve had of him so far.

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