Time For Some Russian Beefcake With Mikhail Timoshin

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Way back in May last year we checked out a handsome Russian hunk by the name of Mikhail Timoshin, and I know I wasn't the only one impressed with his handsome face, that incredible body and his tree-trunk legs.

While I like all kinds of guys I have to confess that I've developed something of a fascination (or maybe it's a fetish?) for real muscle men. I don't think I'm quite at the stage where I'm into muscle worship or anything like that, but there's no doubt that guys like Mikhail Timoshin really do something for me.

So, as it's been so long since we last enjoyed him I thought I'd get out there and see what else he's been doing.

Honestly, there's nowhere near enough of this hunk showing off that body, but I can say that I saw a mention of him in a "casting" shoot where he shows off a little more than we've seen before. Does that mean he might be getting into the adult business? I certainly hope so, several of the other guys they featured on that website were known gay porn stars so I think we should all keep our fingers crossed.

He is a damn fine looking man with an incredible body and any chance to see more of him shouldn't be missed.

If you want me to add him to our list of guys to follow in the future then leave a comment and hit that thumbs-up button too. Maybe share this post so your friends and followers get to enjoy him too?

Enjoy your Saturday, guys!

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