Time For Some Random Dick Pics

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Yay! It's Saturday! I went out for a drink last night but although I was planning to make it a night to forget I didn't actually wake up with a hangover this morning, which is a remarkable thing considering I remember very vividly having a drinking contest with a friend - guys, don't do that, no matter how nihilistic you might be feeling lol I have a spring in my step this morning, I'm not entirely sure why but I think it might be because got the number of a very handsome young hunk last night who I plan to go on a date with some time next month. Inevitably, after a night like last night I feel a little horny today, it always seems to happen to me although usually it's accompanied by a splitting headache and the need to throw up whenever I think about making something to eat. Today though, things are different, it's all good. To satisfy my horniness I though I would gather some sexy shots of men showing off their manhood for the world to see in various photos. They all have only one thing in common - cock out! Yes, I've been very selective in this collection (not). They're all just sexy men showing off some dick, not a bad thing for a Saturday, right guys? Enjoy my little gathering of nudity here and make sure you leave a comment, give them a thumbs-up at the top of the post, maybe share this around out there on the Internet too? Let me know which of these guys is your fave, and why. time-for-some-random-dick-pics-1 time-for-some-random-dick-pics-2 time-for-some-random-dick-pics-3 time-for-some-random-dick-pics-4 time-for-some-random-dick-pics-6 time-for-some-random-dick-pics-7 time-for-some-random-dick-pics-8 time-for-some-random-dick-pics-9 time-for-some-random-dick-pics-10 time-for-some-random-dick-pics-11 time-for-some-random-dick-pics-12 time-for-some-random-dick-pics-13 time-for-some-random-dick-pics-14

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1 year ago

Hi like ur big fuzzy dick

Joe richardson
Joe richardson
Reply to  Fuzzyhunk
5 months ago

This looks like the very first cock I saw and felt when I was ten, and it belonged to one of my Uncles who let me hold it and he taught me how to suck it and play with it I was surprised when he came in my mouth with out telling me.

1 month ago


Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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