Time For Some Muscle With Handsome Hamodi

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After a few days back home from five days walking and partying in muddy fields I have to admit that I'm still feeling it in ways I never did ten years ago. Back then I wasn't even working out much, but it seems a decade of age is getting to me. My buddy Steve said I should get back to the gym and I've been putting it off, but when he sent me these pics of handsome hunk Hamodi this morning I was inspired to get my ass down there.

I think it was a mistake. I was already aching, now I'm aching in places I didn't know existed lol

But at least we have this handsome hunk to enjoy, so I guess today isn't so bad after all.

I know very little about this guy but I can tell you he's from Israel and he's obviously more committed to working out than I'll ever be. He's a good looking man with a hot body, and it seems he's not too shy about showing it off either. Are there any full-frontal shots of him out there? I don't know, but I might spend a little time this afternoon looking around, instead of just complaining about my aching legs :)

Chris Harris is the photographer delivering these gorgeous photos for us to enjoy, and we thank him, even though we know little about him either. I guess trying to find other shoots of his might be a little tricky with a name as common as that, but wish me luck anyway.

If you have any tips to help my bod recover from a festival, please leave them below, I could really use it right now. Have a great Friday and I'll see you back here tomorrow!

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