Time For Some Buff Muscle Men!

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I'm going to start this post off with a little criticism about this shoot for AWARE Soho before moving on to drool all over these gorgeous buff and hunky men. There are not enough photos of these two handsome jocks together! There's only one in this collection - as far as I have been able to find - of the two guys in the same frame, and that's a big disappointment.

Maybe I'm just greedy, or maybe I want a little more imagery to fuel my fantasies, but whatever the reason might be I think there should be more shots including both of these handsome and muscled men.

And, yes, it's another of those shoots where the models names are ignored and even the photographer isn't mentioned in the sources I've seen. But, they are both familiar to me in a strange way. I'm sure I have shared both these handsome and buff guys in another post before.

It's a great shoot aside from those little gripes, and the combination of defined torsos, bulges and handsome faces is an excellent one. I was going to suggest that I have a fave (and it was going to be the smoother dude), but in all honesty they're both too hot for me to possibly say that ;)

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11 years ago

Nice photos and even better models. I am a bit surprised they were hired. Here in the U.S., there was a reality show on Bravo a couple of years ago — “Make Me a Supermodel.” Several guys were eliminated because they were too muscular — but not nearly as buff as these two — and did not fill the standard nearly- anorexia-thin types that usually get these jobs.

God bless this underwear company for appreciating REAL men in their latest campaign.

Happy New Year, Conran.

11 years ago

My brother & I are into fashion/ my brother an executive at a huge Fashion House.. When they choose models, it’s about the clothes & how they look on a body, about what that runway look wants to be.. I’ve seen runway shows & couldn’t believe the choice of models .. Way too thin for my tastes.. These guys above are great for print ads.. That thin look, believe it or not, carries off that runway into young minds that are fans of the fashion/ see them in a fashion magazine etc.. Well that’s the way I need to look because that model on the runway was far below what he actually should weigh.. It’s all common sense.. Thanks Conran

11 years ago

The typical New York print and runway models are way too anorexic to show off any fashion clothing except for fall and winter styles. I prefer to see the buffed models like the above and/or fitness types for spring and summer wear.

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