Tim Arlovski Looking Gorgeous For Marat Mukhonkin

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We saw some very sexy pics of Tim Arlovski a few days ago and after I checked the blog I realized we'd seen him a couple of times before. He was added to my list of guys to keep tabs on this week and when I went looking for a post for you guys today I started with him and found these very sexy images by photographer Marat Mukhonkin. I think this is the first time we've seen the work of this photographer, but if this is his usual standard I think I might have to get out there and see who else he's had in front of his camera! This Russian hottie is definitely one of those male models who knows how to tease. There are some excellent shoots out there with the guy totally naked by hiding everything with some very careful posing and some clever lighting too. There's the occasional underwear shot out there too though, showing that he has quite a lot to hide! I might have to see what else I can find of this guy over the next few days. As always, I long to read your comments and see you guys voting him up with that button at the top of the post. Have a great Sunday! tim-arlovski-looking-gorgeous-for-marat-mukhonkin-1 tim-arlovski-looking-gorgeous-for-marat-mukhonkin-2 tim-arlovski-looking-gorgeous-for-marat-mukhonkin-3 tim-arlovski-looking-gorgeous-for-marat-mukhonkin-4 tim-arlovski-looking-gorgeous-for-marat-mukhonkin-5 tim-arlovski-looking-gorgeous-for-marat-mukhonkin-6 tim-arlovski-looking-gorgeous-for-marat-mukhonkin-7 tim-arlovski-looking-gorgeous-for-marat-mukhonkin-8 tim-arlovski-looking-gorgeous-for-marat-mukhonkin-9

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8 years ago

Why do the models have no expressions, just blank looks. ugh Nice body though. Handsome too.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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