Tim Arlovski – Just A Handsome Guy With A Gorgeous Smile
This is the first time I've seen Tim Arlovski, but I'm already hoping we get to enjoy plenty more of him after seeing this shoot.
One of my very good friends sent me these photos this morning and I couldn't wait to share him with you guys. His name is Tim Arlovski and I think he's new to the business.
There's a lot that I love about him, mainly the fact that he seems relatable if that makes sense? He's not a groomed and buff male model with images being airbrushed and smoothed out or bumps being added or exaggerated. He just looks like the kind of handsome and sexy man you might see at the local bar or at the gym.
I'm not sure exactly what it is about him to be honest, but let me know if you see it too.
I know very little about him at the moment. I can tell you he's Russian, and these photos were taken by Amer Mohamad. Other than that all I can really say is that he's a very good-looking man with a gorgeous smile and a great body I think we all want to see more of in the future.
Let me know your thoughts in the comments! If you want to see him again tell me and I'll add him to my list of guys to kind-of-stalk on the Internet lol

So cute, so sexy & so hot!