Tighty Whitey Cock Bulge With Logyn Quinn Eret

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As soon as I saw that tighty whitey cock bulge I knew this was a shoot by Rick Day.

I'm guessing it might not be a new shoot either. We haven't seen a whole lot from Mr. Day for a while now and I don't think it's just me not having it pass my radar.

Has he retired? It certainly seems as though he might.

These pics of model and actor Logyn Quinn Eret were definitely worth sharing.

When I found them in my emails this morning I spent a little time just admiring the young man.

I guess a guy would need to have some pretty good levels of confidence to pose for a legendary photographer like Rick, but he's really showing off his confidence in these photos.

That tighty whitey cock bulge is a tempting sight, not many male models would be as comfortable as this showing off the way he does.

I think that just makes him sexier, right?

Enjoy this handsome young man while I go and try to find out more about it. I can tell you he's an actor, model and photographer, but that's all I could find about him.

If you know more drop a comment below! :)

Have a great Thursday, see you back here tomorrow.

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Zyler Smith
Zyler Smith
6 months ago

Perfection guaranteed!❤️❤️❤️❤️✈️

6 months ago

belle chute sur les reins puis découverte qui présume de mieux et plus sans doute (je suppose que du côté de son dos et ses fesses il y a de quoi )

Odyssey smith
Odyssey smith
11 days ago

Perfection guaranteed!

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