Three Male Models Get Close For Tetu!
Being a big fan of photography, a HUGE fan of deliciously hunky men and a lover of erotica, I'm fascinated by shoots that combine different aspects and mix things up to get a suggestion of "potential porn" going. I think you know what I mean, but in case you don't, check out these pics for a shoot in Tetu magazine and I think you'll see what I mean.
These guys are all gorgeous, but the fact that they are so sexy individually is kind of eclipsed by the horny situation they're put in for this shoot. At least that's how it goes for me.
It becomes more about them being so close, and their suggestion that we've intruded on an intimate moment between three horny guys ;)
It does make me wonder about the shoots like these ones though. What if they're straight male models? And what if one of them gets a little bit turned on with having another dude brushing up against his naked bod?
Okay, like I said in the last post today, I'm having a horny day today, so you'll have to excuse me while I go and take care of things! ;)
Enjoy the pics, I know you will!