This Cock In A Sock Thing…

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I love it when something like this happens. Although nothing like this has ever gone so viral before, it's been amazing to see the whole cock in a sock thing taking off all over the world.

In case you missed it, this was kicked off here in the UK last week (I think) hot on the trail of the girls "No make up selfie" craze. It's all been in aid of some very deserving charities, and that's something that makes it even greater.

So, what's it all about? Basically, guys get naked, but their cock in a sock, and take a pic to share across social media, usually with a link to donate to Cancer Research UK, or just to raise awareness of Testicular Cancer.

Of course, it goes without saying that there are a lot of very buff and attractive young men doing this, and that's led to some criticism about vanity and guys using any excuse to show off. But, to be honest, I don't give a rats ass about that, they're hot guys, showing off, and it's benefiting charity too!

I've gathered some of my faves for you all to appreciate, let me know what you think about the whole idea, is it twisted and warped as some have suggested? Or, is it just a nice and fun way for people to raise awareness and funds for charity?

This Cock In A Sock Thing (1)

This Cock In A Sock Thing (2)

This Cock In A Sock Thing (3)

This Cock In A Sock Thing (4)

This Cock In A Sock Thing (5)

This Cock In A Sock Thing (6)

This Cock In A Sock Thing (7)

This Cock In A Sock Thing (8)

This Cock In A Sock Thing (9)

This Cock In A Sock Thing (10)

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Robert Leck
Robert Leck
10 years ago

YES!!! heray! heray! cock in a sock!!!! yea!

10 years ago

I think of better places to put them, but it’s nice!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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