Thierry Pepin For Undergear

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We've seen some photos of Thierry Pepin on the Gay Body Blog before, and although they were a little more revealing then these ones I had to share them with you simply because I find this man totally drop-dead gorgeous!

I know some of you might complain about the ink he's developed on his muscled torso, but it's no secret that I love some body art, and I think this is hot to see. Yeah, he was hot before, but I think he's just a little hotter now for the added muscle definition too.

There is so much to love about this hunk, not least of all his impressive bulge. The previous photos show that he uncut, and although he doesn't have a massive package he is pretty generously endowed, and this underwear really shows that off too.

I'm inclined to say that he has a great pair of nuts hidden away in that pouch, and I love a guy with some big balls on him ;)

I'll never be too sure about animal print underwear, but if I tugged down a guys jeans and saw this I would certainly not be put off by the style choices the guy makes, especially not if he's as hot as Thierry Pepin!

Thierry Pepin For Undergear (1)

Thierry Pepin For Undergear (2)

Thierry Pepin For Undergear (3)

Thierry Pepin For Undergear (4)

Thierry Pepin For Undergear (5)

Thierry Pepin For Undergear (6)

Thierry Pepin For Undergear (7)

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Gary Wright
11 years ago

He has a great, full chest. Love the tattoos too. And that bulge! Not a big fan of his hair though, lol

11 years ago

Remove the tattoos and cut off the hair to U.S. Air Force Academy standards and he’s a keeper. Yes, the additional muscle is very much appreciated.

But, as he is, I’d throw him back in the dating pool. I have standards and he does NOT measure up.

Waukegan IL
Waukegan IL
11 years ago

Nice bod but the tat looks like ink dripped from his nip down onto his stomach. He needs to get a haircut like now.

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