Thiago Catena Might Just Be The Sexiest Man Alive

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I am both shocked and appalled that we had not yet seen this utterly amazing man on the Gay Body Blog before. I don't know how this happened, but one of the most stunning men I have ever seen has never been featured on the blog, until now.

There are quite a few guys out there in my top list of the most attractive men, but Thiago Catena is right up there, and possibly within the top five. This new shoot by photographer Rafa Borges should show you why that is.

He's so handsome it's ridiculous. And I don't mean he's just good looking in a "oh look, isn't he lovely" kind of way, I mean he's gorgeous in a "I would sell a Kidney to have the chance to share a bed with him" kind of way.

It doesn't help I suppose that he looks so much like one of the first guys I ever fell for, a guy I used to work with about fifteen years ago, one who could have me dribbling gibberish just by flashing his gorgeous eyes at me.

I know what you're thinking, we need more of this guy. Believe me I will be working on that now I know this post is his debut here.

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9 years ago

He is handsome for sure!! I wondered if he had facial hair or if it was dirt!!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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