These Guys Are ABS-olutely Delicious!

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I'm gonna start this off by saying the that first hunk in this collection of gorgeous men from the Discover Underwear brand is my absolute fave out of all of them. He's handsome and buff, with hairy pecs and an inviting bulge being thrust out there to be on display... could you say no to such a tempting sight?

If you say yes then I'm gonna call you a damned liar! lol

It's a great mix of men, poses and styles of shot in this collection, but every image shows off their gear in the perfect way. I know a lot of you go a little loopy for a handsome hunk in some good underwear, and with a sexy bulge too, so I don't think I'm going to be the only one showing some love for these men.

My only complaint is that there's not more pics in this shoot to appreciate. I would have loved a little more, especially some more of that first handsome guy with the bulge.

I also have to mention here that I think there must be a direct correlation between oily or wet muscles and immediate sexiness. It seems that all the more delicious shoots have a guy glistening somewhere in them. Perhaps that's an industry secret that I've just stumbled upon? lol

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10 years ago

I notice not only do they have great abs but awesome chests!

10 years ago

The first guy is my dream. Simple as that.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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