There Still Isn’t Enough Of Fabien Sassier In The World

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I think I can safely speak for almost everyone when I say that there isn't enough of this handsome hunk in the world, and definitely not enough of him here at Gay Body Blog.

I do have a slight problem when I find more pics of Fabien Sassier and want to share them with you guys, though.

It's rare that he appears in a mainstream shoot or a collection of pics by one photographer, so his images are usually selfies, or taken by a friend, or just random finds. That means that whenever I find new pics I have to go back through the previous posts here and see if we've seen any of the pics before.

I try to make sure it's always new, but I don't think many of you would complain if the occasional pic of this handsome hunk was repeated, right?

These are all new, I think.

We only get one cock pic this time, but I think it's enough to inspire us into wanting more of him. You can be damn certain that his name will always be on my list and I will regularly be out there looking for new photos of this gorgeous man.

Enjoy him once again, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post.

Have a lovely Tuesday and see you back here tomorrow :)

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2 years ago

One more pound of muscle will be too much, Hope he knows this and avoids the over-muscled bodybuilder look. Cuz right now he’s perfect, even has a big, curved boner – great to see. That next-to-last photo of his exposed armpits and the bent erection under his shorts has put me on fire here. Have mercy, guys!

2 years ago

I agree with Fowler and Conran!

2 years ago

Once again, thanks for featuring my hubby again. I’m in a generous mood so you can all see his gorgeousness…

2 years ago

Three cheers for pictures 2 and 8. The smiles are a nice change of pace from the usual dour mugs models give us.

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