There Might Not Be Enough Of Nick Topel In The World To Satisfy Me
When I posted the first pics of Nick Topel at the start of the month I knew he would be popular. How could a man as handsome and as well built as this guy not be appreciated by the vast majority of us?
If you didn't see that post do yourself a favor and click here for it before coming back to enjoy this one :)
No surprise he got a lot of love for that first post but of course we needed to see more of him.
Thankfully it looks like there's plenty of him out there, although it might still not be enough to keep me entertained.
We know a little bit about him. He's a personal trainer, of course. He's also become something of a celebrity in his own right. He's got everything needed to garner a big audience so of course he's appeared on various shows over the years.
He's also been a physique competitor, which doesn't surprise any of us. Just look at that incredible body, of course he'd want to show it off and get attention for his efforts!
Personally I think he needs to do some nude photography work, but I understand that I might be biased in that regard. Maybe even some of you think he should keep his clothes on? (not likely lol)
Enjoy him again, and let's hope there's going to be plenty more to enjoy from this gorgeous man in the future.
Have a great Monday!

Such a babe!
I love his smile! Melts your heart!
Absolutely stunning in every way. Almost incomprehensible how so many can be so gorgeous. Not that I’m jealous! LOL
He’s stunning. The face, the body, the entire package…beautiful.
you’re so right he’s fabulous
One of the top models around today. He is absolutely perfect and knows how to control and develop his body. This is the way the perfect male should look!.
Now this is one handsome man
rose pour souligner une belle fleur , est ce traduisible ?