There Is Not Enough Of Kamil Nicalek In The World

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I have a bone to pick with every photographer out there...

Why is there so little of insanely gorgeous model Kamil Nicalek in the world?

We've seen this Croatian-American hottie here on the blog a couple of times in the past but it's most definitely not enough. You'd think that when a man as attractive as this exists photographers would be falling over each other in their scramble to work with him.

He should be in thousands of shoots already, but from what I can see there are only a few examples of him posing for a shoot.

I guess this could be his choice. Maybe he doesn't want to be a male model? I think he wrong, but it's his choice I suppose lol

He might have retired from modeling too, I guess.

Maybe he just has plenty of other things to do?

This might have to be the last time we enjoy him, unless he gets out there and poses some more for another photographer or two. Every time I go looking for more of the guy I see the same few images.

Enjoy what I've managed to cobble together for this post. It's always worth seeing that gorgeous face and that incredible body.

Let's just hope he gets the opportunity to pose again real soon, we need more of him in the world!

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3 years ago

I should be mature. I should be polite. But all I can muster is a “Woof!” It’s as if he was stamped out by the “hottie machine.” Handsome? Um, yup.

3 years ago

You forced me to review his two earlier posts 14 SEP, 2020 and 17 SEP, 2017, all three are the same model, with a quick visit to his Instagram account kamiloo you will find the same very early images from his Abercrombie & Fitch, Bruce Weber days, and more recent ones from his fitness training and modeling, he posts of being Polish and playing for the Polish professional football (soccer) club, Cracovia, now into real estate and his German Shepherds in New York. He’s also HOT!

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