There Can Never Be Enough Of Miro Moreira

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Happy Halloween everyone! I hope you're all having a lovely day and enjoying the holiday too whether you have the day off or not (I personally think it should be a national holiday for most of our countries). I'll be lighting some candles and dishing out the candy at my door while enjoying a fee glasses of wine later, and I hope you'll all be doing something at least.

I will admit that I did go looking for an appropriately themed shoot for this post today, but I guess it can be a little tricky to make something spooky and sexy too. There are no sexy zombies, no handsome witches, and no horny Ghosts that I can think of. So, you'll all have to make do with a very sexy shoot featuring one of our favorite male models instead!

Miro Moreira is certainly no stranger to the Gay Body Blog, and I will never stop posting images of him when I find a new collection out there. He's one of those names that immediately gets some attention from the members, simply because he's absolutely stunning to look at.

Photographer Márcio Del Nero has captured the Brazilian hunk for a new collection of images for a New Captain Underwear campaign, and he's done a very good job of it too. The hunky models muscles are given a lot of sexy attention in this shoot, making him look as delicious as ever.

Enjoy your Halloween night guys, don't eat too much candy (and excuse though, right? lol)

There Can Never Be Enough Of Miro Moreira (1)

There Can Never Be Enough Of Miro Moreira (2)

There Can Never Be Enough Of Miro Moreira (3)

There Can Never Be Enough Of Miro Moreira (4)

There Can Never Be Enough Of Miro Moreira (5)

There Can Never Be Enough Of Miro Moreira (6)

There Can Never Be Enough Of Miro Moreira (7)

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