The World Needs More Of Sexy Leo Ryan Burke

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It's been more than a year since we last saw this gorgeous hunk on the Gay Body Blog, but I knew back then when we last saw him that there was more to enjoy from the guy, I just never got around to posting these pics. Leo Ryan Burke is an interesting guy, to say the least. The Canadian hottie appeared on Big Brother as a gatecrasher, then he apparently decided to give up modeling and started working as a personal trainer, traveling around the world and staying with friends and clients while he lived his dream. According to reports at the time he didn't have a car, or a home, or even a mobile phone, he was just traveling the world and working where he could. Interestingly, even though he apparently had some love interests while he was in the media spotlight (and women understandably swooned over him) his own social media pages seemed to suggest he was more interested in other guys, specifically another big muscled guy he had a real close friendship with :) The latest example of him I've seen was a YouTube video from 2016 where he was looking a lot bigger than he appears in these photos. Wherever he is now, I hope he's still living his dream. Be honest, wouldn't you like to give up a few luxuries for a while and spend some time traveling around with this hunky man?

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6 years ago

Oh, yeah….we need LOTS more of him. What a BEAUTIFUL guy!!!

6 years ago

I’m enjoying this man. YES. We need more.

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