The Very Hot Nerdy Boy Energy Of Kyle Wicks

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Everyone loves a very hot nerdy boy, right? I think Kyle Wicks would fit that description, and I think it's by choice. He has a certain look about him, like he's a college student studying science but also happens to be incredibly hot and likes to work out.

This is our first time encountering him and I have to admit that I hope there's a lot more of him out there to enjoy. I haven't done a whole lot of digging but from what I did see it looks like he's a recognized up and comer.

There's actually not a whole lot of information about him out there, either. When I first saw him I was almost convinced that he's British, he just gives me that vibe, but I read briefly that he might be from Washington State so I guess I was wrong.

Not that it matters where he's from as long as he's appearing in front of the cameras in shoots like this by photographer Kirt Reynolds.

There's a lot to like about this young man, I can't be the only one looking forward to seeing where he goes and what he does in the future.

Enjoy some pics and leave a comment. Have a great Monday!

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W G Moore
W G Moore
3 years ago

he’s cute but where are the nudes? More and more of these posts seem to be advertisements for undies and if we wanted this we’d look at the various underwear sites.

3 years ago

Kyle is cute, plus he has a nice body. Thanks & Happy Holidays.

3 years ago

Boy next store hottie. A favorite type.

3 years ago

A great score on Scrabble and here ” un régal pour les yeux” I’m fan

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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