The Tempting Underwear Bulge Of Michele Vitacca

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I think I'm in an underwear bulge mood lately. I don't know where it's come from but I can feel my addiction to underwear resurfacing lol I'm gonna have to fight against that urge unless I want another drawer unit filled with various straps and briefs :) I was doing so well, too! You can't really blame me when there are men like Michele Vitacca showing off their packages in tempting shoots like this one! The moment I saw this guy I was ready to get out there and start browsing for some new undies. That's the power a shoot like this has on me. Roberto Viccaro is the photographer getting to spend some time with this big and powerful man for this shoot. We're all a little bit jealous, right? I get it, you want to see him naked. Don't worry, I will be searching the internet to see if such a shoot exists and if it does I will deliver it. In the meantime we get to enjoy this powerful Italian hunk showing off and posing in his perfectly white undies. Isn't there something very hot about a nice pair of snug white boxer shorts? They don't leave much to the imagination with this guy. Seems he has quite a lot to show off. Enjoy him, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button and share the post. Stick around for more. If a nude shoot exists I will find it lol Have a lovely Sunday, enjoy his underwear bulge, I'll see you back here tomorrow for more hotness!

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1 year ago

Oh, yeah, baby – this is Sooo my type: strong thighs, tightly-whities packed with some bulk and I’m getting a sense that he might not be too tall? Hope so, cuz I like my guys shorter than I. Wanna stretch this muscled stud way back for some spread eagled fun. Daddy’s ready, Michele!

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