The Tempting Bulge Of British Model Ben Hunt

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Way back in August last year we had a shoot from the Curb Wear brand starring the gorgeous Ben Hunt showing off some sexy underwear on the London Underground, and I recently came across a new shoot from them with this gorgeous young British guy that I had to share with you all.

I still know very little about him, but I would love to know more and I think I might have to and spend the afternoon searching for info on him.

Anyway, following on from their previous publicly themed shoot, the sexy young man is adding another locale to his list of places to get his bulge out and on show, this time it's a lift in a block of flats - what you Americans would call an Apartment building I suppose. The only difference is that in the UK pretty much every high-rise block of apartments is a slum, sometimes 30 floors of it.

From what I know you guys have nice apartment buildings, but we tend to have graffiti scribbled, piss-smelling, run-down hutches stacked on top of each other. lol

Anyway, it's a hot shoo of the handsome guy in an elevator, stripping down and flashing that gorgeous body and his tempting package. If I walked into an elevator and saw this man in there, in that state of undress, I would be hitting the emergency stop button ;)

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curious sixty two
curious sixty two
11 years ago

He reminds me of American actor Zac Efron, only with substantial muscle on his frame. Thumbs up!

Queer obsession over that scrawny kid Efron never ceases to amaze me.

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