The Stunning Tyrone Nell

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He might not be showing a whole lot of skin in this shoot by an unknown and unnamed photographer, but I think we all agree that whenever Tyrone Nell takes his shirt off we want to be there. Hell, I would want to be there when he takes just his shoes off!

The guy is a muse for me, a stunningly handsome man with an incredible face and a body to match. You guys know I love just a little hair on a guys chest, and these pics show exactly what I love too. He's got it perfectly right, enough scruff to feel without getting your fingers tangled in a mess of matted fur.

Those ridiculous eyes are almost hypnotic. You know they say that some people have this immediate ability to disarm people and make them totally compliant? I think that's the case here with Tyrone Nell. Seriously, the guy could become a cult leader and have a whole gang of horny men and women doing anything he wants with eyes like that.

I know I often say that I'm impressed by this or that model, but with him I really am. I sometimes like the bad boys, and sometimes more the clean-cut jocks, but Tyrone Nell is undeniably one of the hottest male models of all.

The Stunning Tyrone Nell (1)

The Stunning Tyrone Nell (2)

The Stunning Tyrone Nell (3)

The Stunning Tyrone Nell (4)

The Stunning Tyrone Nell (5)

The Stunning Tyrone Nell (6)

The Stunning Tyrone Nell (7)

The Stunning Tyrone Nell (8)

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11 years ago

Mm, nice. But don’t you want to get tangled in the fur ???

11 years ago

Those pics take my breath away!! AWESOME!

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