The Sexy Zodiac By Sergio Costa Vicent

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I know for a fact that this concept has been done before, at least twice, but I think this shoot by Sergio Costa Vicent of handsome hunks depicting the signs of the Zodiac is probably one of the best versions I have seen. The other versions I have seen were a little too obvious, and a little too colorful and derivative for my liking.

I have no idea who these men are, and I would definitely love to see all the others too, but what we get is a very sexy stylized effort that should have each and every one of you wanting prints of the entire collection on your wall.

Note that I don't know if this is actually possible, but I have a feeling Sergio Costa Vicent might be offering that somewhere, or perhaps working on the idea. I would love to have just postcards of these handsome men in their poses, something in a frame or two.

They've appeared in the aptly named Portugal magazine - Sexy Magazine. They like to tell it like it is and don't beat around the bush, obviously.

Well done to the photographer, and well done to the handsome men getting their clothes off for this beautiful collection of images. I think they can safely call this a success on all counts :)

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Hami Huss
Hami Huss
9 years ago

Awesome Pics

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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