The Sexy Shots Of British Photographer Bengie
I know very little about this photographer apart from he's in the UK and he shoots almost exclusively with male models for erotic shoots, and he does it more as a hobby than a business. I think we can all agree that he could make a good business out of it if he wanted to, these are some great photos of some very attractive men in great settings, he clearly has a natural skill for this.
I have to thank my friend Mike for sending me these photos to share with you. Thanks Mike! :)
The photos with the digital backgrounds are interesting to me. I don't usually like that so much, but in this case the colorful setting just seems to work with those models.
My favorites, however, are the natural settings, the guys out in the sun getting naked in the woods and showing it all off. You know I like those outdoor themes and right now they're making me wish I could call up a buddy and pack a bag to spend a weekend camping in the woods :)
Enjoy these guys, leave a comment below and let me know what you think.
Have a great Monday and don't work too hard! :)

Call me weird, but I find flaccid peens eminently more sexy than rod stiff ones…
Wow, what sexy men with juicy dicks. I like them both, flaccid and stiff!
All I can think of is snipping.
No need to snip. Just peel it open standing at attention.
It’s nice to see a posting of all handsome INTACT guys. FORESKIN’S are awesome and this BS they’re abnormal is just that, BULLS**T!
The veins in # 1’s thighs are a turn-on for me, but #3’s limp cock hanging thick – he’s the first one I’d like to feel grow bone hard in my hands.