The Sexy Jacob Atwood By Darren Tieste

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I have a complaint to make about this set of images, and I think most of you would agree with me too...

There's not enough of handsome and fit young male model Jacob Atwood to satisfy us, and we need MUCH more.

I debated for a little while whether there was too little to justify sharing on the blog, but I soon came to the conclusion that it would be almost criminal for me not to share him, even if there are only a few photos to enjoy.

He's a new face to the world of modeling too (although I think most of you will be less interested in his face than the fit and hunky body it's attached to!) but after this little shoot I have a good feeling that we'll be seeing a lot more of this gorgeous guy in the coming months and years, if he sticks at it.

It's a good sign to see some bush in one of these pics too. I guess we can already tell that this new hottie might be more willing to get a little revealing in front of the cameras - and we can never have enough hot guys willing to show off a little more ;)

So, in conclusion... hot guy, nice pics, want more.

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