The Sexy Hunks Of Dieux du Stade Are Back For More

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I'm not a very sporty guy and I never have been. The most I can manage is the occasional trip to the gym and maybe the random camping trip and hike across the British countryside. I don't even watch much sport and don't really have any interest in it other than when the Olympics comes around (who could resist the sight of hot guys in spandex?) But, I have to admit that I am a little infatuated with Rugby players, and more specifically French Rugby players. I'm not deluded enough to think that I could ever play the game. I would be stretchered off the pitch within five minutes, and probably after passing out just at the sight of so many gorgeous hunks lol No doubt you've heard of Dieux du Stade. It's the project the French Rugby hunks participate in every year, usually making a calendar, a photo book and merch for charity, stripping off their clothes and being extremely shameless and revealing in a lot of it. I've been enjoying it for years and I don't think I'm alone. You guys (and girls) love it too, right? Well, I don't know how this new collection of colorful photos falls into the scheme of things, but I love it! Usually the Dieux du Stade shoots are all stylish black and white, with locker room and shower scenes, but this time photographer Errikos Andreou has gone all colorful disco crazy, and I love it! I can't list all the gorgeous men getting their kit off for this shoot, but I guess some of you might have some names to share in the comments. Let me know, and hit that thumbs-up button too. There's more coming tomorrow, and I think I might have to get out there and see what else I might have missed from the Dieux du Stade project. Have a wonderful Monday :)

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Gordon Harris
Gordon Harris
6 years ago

Love these enhanced photos. Thank you.

6 years ago

All fine, statuesque specimen

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