The Sexy Cock Bulge Of Timothy Quinn

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Timothy Quinn is new to the blog, or at least I think he is. I don't want this to be the last time we have this happy chappie on here though, not after seeing the fit young hunk showing off his body and that tempting cock bulge in these photos by Michael Dar.

There's no getting away from the fact, this is mostly about his ripped muscled body and that shape of his cock in his undies. I love shoots like this one where the guys aren't scared to be a little more revealing, without actually revealing everything. Although, having said that, I will now be out there seeing if I can find any naked shoots with this gorgeous young man.

And we have to bring up that smile too, don't we? There are so many serious shoots with guys who never even grin, it's almost refreshing to see a guy in a shoot like this who doesn't look like he's just been told he'll never have sex again lol

Adore him, appreciate him, drink him in, then comment and share the post around with all those friends you think deserve to see him. They'll thank you for it, at least in their minds.

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9 years ago

I like the first one the best.

9 years ago

I am a sucker of a guy who smiles. He’s gorgeous, with or without the fine bod.

joseph moureau
joseph moureau
9 years ago

Quinn a king of a masculine queen (jeu de mots)

9 years ago

He takes a hot pic..

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