The Sculpted Physique Of Aleksandar Rusic
How have we managed to exist as long as we have without ogling the fine form of male model Aleksandar Rusic?
One of my buddies emailed me this collection of pics this morning and I was immediately enthralled. He's a gorgeous guy, with a hot body, and these images by photographer Dimitris Theocharis display him perfectly.
I think Aleksandar Rusic is German, he apparently lives in Hamburg, but I thought he actually looked a little Greek, or perhaps Egyptian. Whatever genes made him, it's a damn good mix, that's for sure!
You might be able to pick out ten different things that you like about him, but one thing really stands out for me, and that's his gorgeous mouth. It's not something you really notice when you're talking about how sexy a model is, but that upper lip and the way his smile curves up... that's enough to grab my attention.
The rest of him is awesome too, of course.
Enjoy these pics, leave a comment and let me know what you think of him. We want to see more of the guy, right?
Have a great Saturday, and if you're going out tonight have a drink for me, I'm feeling a little sniffly so I'm skipping any revelries and binge-watching part 2 of the OA on Netflix :)

It looks like he has a ten-pack! Wow!
YUM!! Stellar!
I gave this guy an upvote. Although I don’t find guys who are not clean shaven appealing and give them the thumbs down.