The Perfect Muscle Jock Body Of Colby

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Damn. This is another one of those times where we're left wondering who this guy is. I mean, we know his name is apparently Colby, but that's it. It's a sexy shoot for Shock Magazine (nope, never heard of it either) with the handsome and smooth muscle jock showing off his fine body and tempting bulge, but we're left wanting more of the guy and very few leads to go with. This is your opportunity to help me out and leave a comment if you know anything else about this handsome dude. In fact, leave a comment anyway and just say hello or something :) He has a great body, perfectly proportioned. There are a lot of guys out there who go a little over the top when it comes to building up that muscle, but it looks like this gorgeous guy has got things under control. I actually hope he stays this way and doesn't start getting bigger and bigger. It would be very easy for him to go overboard and lose some of his appeal, in my opinion. And that bulge too... as always a hot guy in some tight little undies does it for me and I find myself sitting here wondering if we might get a nude shoot from him in the future. We all want that, though, right guys? Have a great Monday.

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8 years ago

He has a mysterious way about him, very hot.

8 years ago

His last name, I believe, is Boulay. Check out some of the photographer’s gallery at Shock…….it’s spectacular.

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