The Nude Men In Reality Series Couple To Throuple

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Here comes throuble. Peacock is doubling down on the reality television wars with arguably the most scandalous US reality series yet, Couple To Throuple. America still can’t compete with British series like Naked Attraction and the original Love Island, but it’s getting closer. Couple To Throuple is a rare US series that encourages sex between contestants. So what is this one about, exactly?

The title pretty much gives it away. Couples who are open to the idea of a third convene at an exotic getaway, where a succession of potential thirds are paraded in, tempting the couples to experiment in the bedroom. Today we’re covering all of the men who have exposed themselves so far in this incredible series. A work of art, quite frankly.

The blonde LA-based artist Wilder Bunke plops down on the bed, face down and buns up.

Wilder Bunke is proud of his body, and flashes his manhood to Denyse in the pool.

Speaking of proud, Dylan Bair marches around naked, giving us a great look at that fat ass. 

The muscular Dylan also “Winnie-the-Poohs” it in just a shirt, with his ass hanging out for all Peacock subscribers to see. Bair and his wife invite another woman into their relationship.

Maximo gets a butt massage!

The queer throuple in Couple To Throuple is extremely hot. Rehman Bhatti shows his butt while joining Ashmal Ali in the shower.

Thanks to night vision we can see Rehman, Ashmal, and Jonathan Intriago having sex in bed together. 

It’s non-nude, but we’d be amiss if we didn’t bring you this nighttime blowjob scene with all three men, Rehman Bhatti, Ashmal Ali, and Jonathan Intriago.

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1 year ago

je me suis demandé parfois ce que je voyais ou ce qu’il montrait, mais quelques beaux clichés tout de même

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