The Male – Naked

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It's about time we have some sexy nudity on the blog, and although I often resort to collecting some pics from a solo shoot on one of the adult sites featuring a hunk model, I've been raiding my own collection of images for some inspiration for this post, and I think I have a collection worthy of getting some appreciation from you guys on here.

So you all know that I've been a bit of an artist before and one of the things I love to do is get together some images for inspiration. I can't help it, when I see photos of gorgeous guys out there or the work of other artists when it comes to the male nude I often get this pang of inspiration and a determination to start creating something on canvas. I have so many in the middle of being worked on right now that my place looks a little like a gallery - a messy one lol

But these pics should give you an idea of the king of thing I like. These are all pics of male nudes that have inspired me, that I've collected with the intention to look through while contemplating a canvas, or sketching out some ideas.

Trust me, if you have a creative bone in your body (not that bone lol) then you will probably feel a little inspired too. Check them out and let me know in the comments if there's one that you would love to see on canvas, maybe I'll focus on that one and create something? ;)

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11 years ago

These are great, Conran! Just wondering if you ever show any of your art work on this site? I would love to see it.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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