The Lustful Look Of Evan Wadle

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You've heard the term "come to bed eyes" right? I know, there are variations on it, but it all means the same thing; that look someone gives you that tells you they are horny and want you. It's intense when a guy gives you that look and you know you're in for a good time ;)

I've had that a few times from guys I'm with, and one guy in particular stands out from all the others. He's a real butch jock type, but when he wants something all he has to do is give that gaze and anyone would be on their knees and willing to do whatever he wanted. I can't give that look. I've tried, but apparently I just look like I'm angry lol

Evan Wadle is one of those guys who has that special look totally pinned down. He knows he can gaze into a camera and you feel like he's right there making some kind of horny demand. At least that's what I think when I see some of the pics of him glaring into the lens.

We've featured this stunning young guy here a couple of times before, but we've only added a few images. So I thought it was about time we had some more of this gorgeous young hunk.

Often captured looking a little rough and hairy, this young and sexy jock boy is probably one of the most popular out in the blogging world. It seems that whenever he does anything there's someone out there ready to report on it and add some pics. Just make sure you spell his name right, as many have decided to change his name to Wade in error. Of course, he could solve all of that by returning to his nickname of "The Wad" lol

Evan Wadle Evan Wadle Evan Wadle Evan Wadle Evan Wadle Evan Wadle Evan Wadle Evan Wadle Evan Wadle Evan Wadle

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12 years ago

This man is so hot I can’t look at him without getting wood. SO SEXY

2 years ago

Close-up of his nipples, pit and chest hairs is very effective – as are those sensuous lips.

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