The Internet Always Needs More Of Pierre Zamyatin

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It's been almost a year exactly since we last enjoyed the sight of sculpted hunk Pierre Zamyatin here at Gay Body Blog, and my rediscovery of him this morning was entirely accidental. I don't know why it's been so long since we last ogled that handsome face and incredible body, but you can rest assured that he's made it a little further up my list of hunks to keep looking for.

We've seen the male model and DJ three times in past, but it's not enough. I'm still trying to work out why we're not swimming in a sea of his hotness all over the internet.

I don't know who is responsible for all these random pics in this post - they were gathered from all over - but I think most are by photographer Pavel Lepikhin. It seems they've worked together numerous times and have a great professional relationship.

Pavel definitely knows how to capture this handsome stud in the best ways, although I think we're all still waiting for that super sexy naked shoot, aren't we?

Enjoy a little more of him while I head out there to see what else I can find of this gorgeous man. Leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button, share the post so your followers and friends out there can enjoy him too.

And, of course, have a lovely Thursday!

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4 years ago

Look, here I am! Look how beautiful I am!

Way too much, even the clothing.

4 years ago

With his great looks and body, he stands out from other underwear models. He is probably the most popular model today. He’s clean (refreshing), and looks like a model should. That’s what sells the product. Nothing bizarre here.

4 years ago

Stunning man. Perhaps a bit too precious primped and pretty. Would love to see him with some body hair and at least 10% body fat.

4 years ago

That Adonis belt is awesome! It really turns me on!

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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