The Incredibly Handsome Chris Salvatore By Zach Schwermer

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I'm not entirely sure how many times we've had the handsome male model Chris Salvatore on the Gay Body Blog before, but I don't think many of you will complain seeing him again, especially not in a seductive and sexy shoot like this one from Zack Schwermer!

I know some of you may be a little disappointed by the tease, and I would agree somewhat, the guy is so gorgeous and fit, and totally natural too, that you want to see as much of his naked form as possible. But, I also have to say that something would be lost from the sexiness of this shoot if he did actually just show it all off.

There's a lot of beardiness going on right now, I'm sure you've noticed, and when it's a guy as gorgeous as him I can really appreciate it. He's keeping everything masculine but trimmed and in-check, and there is something so hot about that.

Bearded guys - keep things nice and tidy and that beard can only enhance your handsomeness, in my humble opinion ;)

Okay, now I think I need to get out there on the net and see what else I can find of this guy that we might have missed out on in the last few months. Be prepared for another post or two depending on what I track down!

The Incredibly Handsome Chris Salvatore By Zach Schwermer 1

The Incredibly Handsome Chris Salvatore By Zach Schwermer 2

The Incredibly Handsome Chris Salvatore By Zach Schwermer 3

The Incredibly Handsome Chris Salvatore By Zach Schwermer 4

The Incredibly Handsome Chris Salvatore By Zach Schwermer 5

The Incredibly Handsome Chris Salvatore By Zach Schwermer 6

The Incredibly Handsome Chris Salvatore By Zach Schwermer 7

The Incredibly Handsome Chris Salvatore By Zach Schwermer 8

The Incredibly Handsome Chris Salvatore By Zach Schwermer 9

The Incredibly Handsome Chris Salvatore By Zach Schwermer 10

The Incredibly Handsome Chris Salvatore By Zach Schwermer 11

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10 years ago

He’s totally overexposed, enough already

10 years ago

you sexy dude

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