The Immaculate Alex Sewall, With Bulge

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We've only seen sexy male model Alex Sewall here at Gay Body Blog twice in the past, but that's clearly not acceptable considering this man is so insanely hot and could lead us all to dribble uncontrollably at the sight of him.

Have I promoted him enough in that opening paragraph? lol

Honestly, just look at this guy. He's so handsome it feels almost implausible that a man can look like this legally. His face is perfect, his body immaculate, his butt too tempting for words... and when you put him in some tight little white underwear he gets even hotter.

Photographer Chuck Thomas obviously knew what he was doing when he put this gorgeous man up against a black background in the snuggest of snug tighty whities. There's not a whole lot that's left to the imagination and even though I don't think Alex Sewall has posed naked this is pretty close to that.

It's a shame that he hasn't revealed all in a shoot for one of the big photographers renowned for it, I think the results of that would really be quite stunning and really tasteful.

We wouldn't have to be tasteful in the way we appreciate it, though lol

Check him out, enjoy him, leave a comment, hit that thumbs-up button and share the post so your friends and followers get to enjoy him, too :)

Have a great Friday!

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4 years ago

Alex Sewall is so handsome, plus his physique is dialed. Thanks for sharing his pix.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x
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