Draconblue – The Hottest Farmer In America

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If you've spent any time on social media looking at dicks (I know most of you have!) then you've definitely seen this handsome and fit hunk showing off his big uncut cock.

His name is Draconblue and he's a farmer from the Northeastern US.

For all the guys out there who have a thing for hard-working, blue-collar studs, he's a dream come true.

I know we've probably seen that big intact cock before in some of the random pic posts of the past, but I think he definitely needs a whole post just about him.

Although it has to be said, I don't know a whole lot about Draconblue other than what we see.

He's a farmer, obviously, and he does a lot of his work naked. I can only imagine that he's probably single, but I think I speak for many when I say we'd gladly change that status.

There's a lot to like about him, but that big dick is undoubtedly one of the highlights.

If the list of things you'd like to do with him isn't enough to fill an A4 page then you're lacking in imagination lol

Enjoy Draconblue, leave a comment, hit the thumbs-up button, and share the post. If you know anything else about him please share it. Maybe we can have another post of pics soon.

If you'd like more, and I know you do, check out his hot Twitter account.

Have a lovely Tuesday!

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2 years ago

Curved boners really are the best, do it for me immediately. A best buddy’s curves upward, and I first saw it when we were watching porn. But this dude’s curves sideways and must be ten inches. Would be great to see it shooting cum, but the photo of him bent back stretching in the sun is very stimulating.

2 years ago

O, those nature boys. What a big dick, he can explore my holes with it!
O yeah! Can I lend him a hand on the farm?

I saw him in two films one receives from friends on the mobile phone. The first one is, where he feeds his cows in the cowshed completely naked (okay, he wears boots) and he has an erection. The second one is, where in winter he is shoveling snow. He is completely clothed, but then all of a sudden he is completely naked and again with an erection.

Conran, please more of him!

2 years ago

PS Is he cumming in pic 2?

2 years ago

PS 2 O yeah, in the first film at the end a cow tries to lick his dick with her large tongue, but can’t receive it.

2 years ago

PS 3 And I found this on the Internet: Farmer Dracon Blue, it’s an OnlyFans. He fucks himself with a dildo and cums almost immediately, when the dildo enters. Wish it was my cock instead of the dildo! https://thisvid.com/videos/dracon-blue/

2 years ago

He’s quite well-known for cumming big loads, hands-free, on his OF page. Highly recommended.

2 years ago

I’m sure he’s a nice man. Thanks

2 years ago

The dry spell has ended
The male body as a thing of beauty. So tired of frustrated underwater models.

2 years ago

At last, an uncut cock in the USA! Great piece of machinery, great body too. Thank you

jacob montreal
jacob montreal
Reply to  bruce
2 years ago

he’s canadian.

Cina Caplo
2 years ago


j. Jerry
j. Jerry
2 years ago

Yum !!!!

2 years ago

This farmer can plow me any time he wants!

1 year ago

He’s not American. He’s French. That beautiful uncut cock is a dead giveaway.

Reply to  Talldh79
9 months ago

Not a bit French sounding. Reddit profile says:
35 / Male / Northeastern USA / onlyfans.com/draconblue / https://linktr.ee/draconblue
Not everybody born in the US is circumcised. I was friends with two guys that were uncircumcised while I was in high school in the ’80s

6 months ago

I always thought he’s Aussie

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