The Hot Gay Erotic Art Of Jo Ji

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It's been a little while since I last shared some awesome erotic art with you all on the blog, but lately I've been getting more into my own creations and it's kind of led me back into a rabbit hole of checking out other artists for some good inspiration.

I discovered the work of Jo Ji today and I instantly wanted to share some of his work with you.

I'm guessing you enjoy the occasional post like this, right? I mean, we're all into the male form in various ways so the artistic depiction of hot bodies should be included in that. I think we've enjoyed the work of legendary Tom of Finland in the past, at least a couple of times, so I think it's about time we did a little more of that.

I love artists like this. While I'm more of a realist in my work, this style really does something for me. It's hyper masculine, but in a good way.

Based in Bangkok, Thailand, Jo Ji produces some of the hottest and sexiest gay male erotic art I've seen for a while and you should check out his instagram when you get the chance.

In the meantime, enjoy these hotties depicted beautifully and leave a comment to let me know if you'd like to see the occasional artistic post like this. :)

Have a great Saturday!

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5 years ago

I think I’m in love…

5 years ago

…But, Why Not! That Is Interesting.

4 years ago

Can I lick your dick

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