The Hairy Thighs And Sexy Bulge Of Pietro Boselli

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There are a lot of things I love about a guy, but when I see hairy thighs I'm totally smitten. Check out this shoot featuring gorgeous Pietro Boselli and I think you'll agree with me on this.

Although the rest of him is stunning, from his handsome good looks to that jock body, his thighs are amazing. I love that shot between them, so inviting, almost begging you to kneel between those legs and feel those inner thighs while you...

Okay, I don't think I need to explain it all, you have your own imaginations and I'm sure they're just as well developed as mine :)

This shoot of Pietro is for Charlie by Matthew Zink, and it's in the theme of "The Headmaster". Obviously they're playing on the recent fascination the gay internet has had with this stunning stud, since he went viral. Fot those who don't know, he's a math teacher, or at least he was for a while. One of his students took some in-class snaps of him and found that his hunky teacher was also a male model.

Imagine trying to study with this hunk in the room, could you pay any attention at all to what he's saying while his pecs are bulging through his shirt? No, I couldn't either. lol

I can just imagine how many student boners this guy has induced.

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