The Hot Rugged Male By Diego Lema

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Time to get a little arty (and hot too) with this post featuring the amazing photography of Diego Lema. Now, I have to admit that I was a little muddled when it comes to this guy. He was a model himself (or is) and some of the first pics I found when I was searching came back with some pics of Dionisio Heiderscheid. Many of you might know that guy as "D.O." from a certain studio. I've added a couple of those pics here for you to drool over. So after discovering that the photographer is not Dionisio Heiderscheid himself, I kind of became a little more clear.

But really, that's neither here nor there, because for this post I want to focus on his work as a photographer. I loved these shots the moment I saw them. You can kind of tell he has a background in graphic design, which he studied at the University of Buenos Aires. They have a very modern and stylish look about them, with their high contrast and detail. Some of these are like perfectly clear memories of a summer evening in the park with a lover, just as the sun goes down. I know that seems very specific, but that's exactly what the hairy hunk in the first image immediately makes me think of lol

Enjoy these pics, and check him out on He's definitely one to keep an eye on in the future!

Hairy Hunk by Diego Lema Gorgeous Male Model by Diego Lema Black and White Male Photography - Diego Lema Dionisio Heiderscheid bu Diego Lema Dionisio Heiderscheid bu Diego Lema Nude Male By Diego Lema Hot and Hairy Model by Diego Lema Sexy Male Model by Diego Lema Diego Lema Diego Lema  

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9 years ago

THE MOST FABULOUS MODEL SITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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