The Gorgeous Mike Stalker

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What an appropriate name this hunky male model has! I would indeed become a stalker when it comes to this handsome and hunky hottie, he's so stunning I wouldn't mind following him every hour of the day and night. Is that a little creepy? Yes, but I don't care, he makes my balls twitch! lol

I have only just discovered this handsome and built hunk, and although there is a lot about him that deserves to be drooled over, I have to comment on his abs. I see guys at the gym with abs like that and I have to say that I often find myself jealous of what they've achieved. I can't seem to manage anything like this even with crunches and all that painful nonsense.

Still, just seeing guys with bodies like this at the gym is enough to keep me motivated and keep going back for more. I guess it's 30% about staying healthy and 60% about the eye candy I get to enjoy while I'm there - and 10% about being too shit scared to cancel the membership lol

If this guy was working out with me and I had him to look at, I doubt that I would ever walk out of that gym, I would end up with a more buff body than he has ;)

The Gorgeous Mike Stalker (1)

The Gorgeous Mike Stalker (2)

The Gorgeous Mike Stalker (3)

The Gorgeous Mike Stalker (4)

The Gorgeous Mike Stalker (5)

The Gorgeous Mike Stalker (6)

The Gorgeous Mike Stalker (7)

The Gorgeous Mike Stalker (8)

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11 years ago

More like it. Adult all the way. Thumbs up!

11 years ago

Gorgeous!! 🙂

11 years ago

Beautiful, but I really wish he would smile

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