The Fascinating Work Of Ben Lamberty

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So I thought it was about time to add something a little creative again. You know, there are plenty of photographers out there who seem dedicated to taking some amazing images of some incredibly gorgeous young men, and so I gathered a few that I've found from the really interesting German photographer Ben Lamberty.

Really talented artists can definitely frame a face and a body perfectly, and I think this collection of images by the photographer really shows off both his creative style and the talent he has for choosing the right young man for the right image or setting. I do wonder just how much planning goes into these images, whether the model is chosen after a concept is decided, or whether the image develops to suit the model.

Either way, the guys in these pics are incredibly handsome and sexy, and I'm not normally into really young guys - or  "chickens" (man I hate that expression! lol)

Of course, I don't know his preferences, but he clearly recognizes male beauty and youth when he sees it. Check out the pics and appreciate the imagery, and if you want something a little harder stay tuned because I have a hardcore post for you guys later today. It is Friday after all! :)

Nude Male Model Photography Tight Jock Body Male Model Nude Male Model Grope Lover Boy Inked and Handsome Handsome Young Man Gorgeous Hunk Fascinating Young Hunk Cute Boy Model

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