The Erotic Work Of Yeikov – Y Not Creations

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I have something a little different for you guys with this post, but I think you're really going to appreciate it when you see some of these images.

You know that I occasionally like to throw in some erotic art here and there, and it's not all about the muscled jocks and handsome hunks posing for a photographer, sometimes it's something a little more interesting than the mainstream.

I would definitely class the work of Yeikov as something a little outside of the mainstream!

From what I understand, he's a photographer and artist who uses various materials and processes to capture some almost cartoon-like images of hunks showing off, creating characters that a standard photo shoot just wouldn't be able to accomplish.

The contrasts of tone and the colors used are a little garish, giving his work a kind of graphic art feel. It's grimy, dirty, gritty and pretty erotic to look at, and I hope you guys can appreciate this as much as I do right now. I can totally imaging something like this hanging on my walls, and I will be looking into that! ;)

I was going to try to pick a favorite out of all these, then I gave up on that idea when I realized I like too many of them lol

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11 years ago

Awesome thank you much for this, It boost my ego a little bit that you had been kind enough to feature my work on your blog and with those powerful words about my art, Thank you again and I hope that people enjoy the work as much as I do creating it Bear hugs Y? NOT also you can see more of my work on Instagram and Twitter @Ynotcreations Y? NOT

11 years ago

Definitely erotic! Thanks for sharing.

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